Where to Get Firewood Fallpt 2? [Learn More]

In Fallout 2, getting firewood is essential for specific tasks, such as completing quests or crafting items. Finding firewood can be a bit tricky since it is tied to specific locations and actions in the game. If you’re struggling to figure out where to get firewood, I’ve got you covered with a detailed guide.

How to Get Firewood in Fallout 2

1. Arroyo – Early Game Source

In Fallout 2, one of the earliest places you’ll need firewood is in Arroyo, your home village. Here’s how you can obtain it:

  • Talking to Villagers: In Arroyo, you may encounter a quest that involves helping out around the village. Talking to characters like Hakunin or Aunt Morlis might hint at needing firewood.
  • Search Near Trees and Bushes: Near the outskirts of Arroyo, search around trees and bushes. Some areas will have small piles of branches or logs that you can pick up as firewood.
  • Interact with Environment: Sometimes, the wood will be an environmental object you can interact with. Hover your cursor around trees and bushes to see if it changes to an interactive icon.

2. Trapper Town in Klamath

Klamath, one of the early towns you visit, has several locations where you can find firewood:

  • Trapper Camp: Visit the Trapper Camp in Klamath. The camp is likely to have wood lying around, given the trappers’ need for cooking and warmth.
  • Explore Abandoned Buildings: Search around abandoned buildings, especially in places like the Buckner House area, where firewood might be stacked for cooking purposes.

3. Junkyard Areas and Wilderness Locations

Firewood can often be found in junkyards or wilderness locations as well:

  • Explore Wilderness Areas: Areas outside main towns can have firewood lying around, especially near old campfires, sheds, or lean-tos.
  • Junkyard Scraps: In some places like The Den or Modoc, you might find piles of wood or broken furniture that can be scavenged for firewood. Use tools like a crowbar or simply interact with the environment to find usable wood.

4. Buy or Trade from NPCs

Sometimes, the easiest way to get firewood is to buy it or trade for it:

  • Local Traders: Visit traders or general stores in towns like Klamath, The Den, and Modoc. Some traders sell basic goods, including firewood.
  • Barter with NPCs: If you don’t have enough money, use the barter system to trade other items, such as ammo, stimpaks, or junk, for firewood. Talk to farmers or NPCs that seem to deal in basic supplies.

5. Breaking Down Wooden Items for Firewood

Some wooden items in the game world can be broken down to get firewood:

  • Use Tools Like Hatchets or Crowbars: If you find wooden crates, broken furniture, or pallets, you can break them down using tools. This action can yield firewood or other useful resources.
  • Search Abandoned Buildings: Areas like old shacks, barns, or farmhouses may have breakable objects that can be converted into firewood.

6. Loot from Other Characters or Raiders

While not the most peaceful option, looting can provide firewood in some cases:

  • Search Raider Camps: Raider encampments sometimes have firewood piled up for campfires. After dealing with raiders, check the area for lootable items.
  • Loot Corpses: Sometimes, other survivors or raiders will have firewood or wooden items in their inventory that can be used for firewood.

Tips for Getting Firewood in Fallout 2

  • Explore Thoroughly: Make sure to explore every nook and cranny of the map. Firewood often appears as a small pile or log, and it can be easy to overlook.
  • Use the Highlight Feature: If you’re having trouble spotting firewood, use the highlight feature (press the SHIFT key) to see all interactive objects in your vicinity.
  • Check Your Inventory: Once you collect firewood, it will appear in your inventory. Make sure you have enough space to carry it.


In Fallout 2, getting firewood involves exploring various locations, interacting with the environment, trading with NPCs, or scavenging from abandoned buildings and raider camps. Be thorough in your exploration and make use of the barter system to acquire firewood when needed. With these strategies, you’ll be well-equipped to find the firewood you need to survive and complete quests in the wasteland.

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